Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why I hate cup cakes

Who hates cupcakes? I hate cupcakes!

Now, the reason I hate cupcakes is because of my stupid cupcake experience this morning.
Keep in mind that I am a very stubborn person. I will argue with you until you say I'm right, even if I'm wrong. And I like to do everything by myself with no help. So I cannot cook. At all. Neither can my mom, which is why we have chefs.
Anyway I had this craving for cupcakes this morning so I decided to bake some. I don't know why I didn't just go to the Little CupCake Company a few blocks away. My mom insisted I get Andrew -one of the little French gay chefs- to help me. But I'm stubborn. So after shooing everyone out of the kitchen I made cupcake batter with the help of Betty Crocker Rainbow Sprinkle mix.
I guess I might have filled the pans up with to much batter because when I checked on them they were like exploding over the sides! They were dripping onto the bottom of the oven and burning. Yummy.
So after finding Frieda and begging her to clean it and not tell my mom, I got Andrew to bake me some cupcakes.

I guess I don't really hate them, I was just mad that my cupcake experience didn't work. :( But now I'm eating a purple cupcake and watching Mamma Mia and singing Dancing Queen.

Well I am currently working on Knowing Me, Knowing You. I don't know if I want to make it a Massington. I don't know...they used to be my favourite but now...they're just so overplayed together. Maybe a Cassie?
I also have to get my lazy ass up to work on Apple-C with Jessica, When the Night Calls You and Perfect. Gah. I am the world's biggest procrastinator.

Happy February BTW.

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