Saturday, February 7, 2009

Top 5 reasons why Whistler rocks

In case you didn't realize from the title, I'm in Whistler. I arrived last night, snowboarded till about three A.M. and then was in the outdoor hot tub for another two hours. So yeah, I never went to bed till close to 5:30. I got up maybe three hours ago. Then I boarded, and after about two hours I remembered to blog and check my e-mail.

Anyway, here's my top 5 reasons why Whistler rocks my warm fuzzy socks.

1. That picture above, yeah I boarded down that. I didn't go to the full top of that pointy thing, but the helicopter dropped me a few feet down from it.
2. Bikini boarding. Not only am I snowboarding in a hot pink bikini most of the time, but there are tons a hot, muscular guy in only shorts. I've already gotten 5 phone numbers.
3. The heliskiing. Well, boarding. It is so awesome! You go up in this helicopter and they lower you down to the mountain, and then bam, you're on this frickin HUGE cliff!
4. Olympic trainers. Already, there are a bunch of them, and its really intense to watch.
5. I am having the most fun I've had in a long, long time!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah. I wont blog that much this week, since I'm up here on vacation, but I will a few times :)

BTW, PS I loathe You comes out this Tuesday. And the Clique Prequel is called Charmed and Dangerous: The Rise of the Pretty Committee.
I have to give Lisi credit, I mean how can she come up with such awesome names?



  1. I always feel lame that I don't think of names like that too. Like the cliquetionary thats coming out Oct 1!

  2. Haha same. I hate to say this but I'll probably by the Cliquetionary :)
