Sunday, February 15, 2009

P.S. I Loathe You

Well I have to say that this Clique book was my absolute favourite out of the series. My favourite Dylan couple was the main one, Alicia once again branched off, but not with a new clique, Kristen found a new crush, and Claire is happy. Not once do you hear that Claire sniffled, cried, moped, bit her fingers or tore her cuticals. Clam was back and better than ever!
The book was in Massie, Dylan and Kristen's point of views. I adored that! Claire was barely in it, which I loved too, but was mentioned.
The end was what shocked me the most. WARNING: There may be spoilers in what I'm about to say!
Massie actually seemed like a normal person! She cried, she was nice and she...just made me love the Clique series again. I was getting pretty annoyed with it because it was just getting really fantasy-ish. I mean, who can turn trailers into diamond cases? But the end just made the book my favourite out of the whole series.
In a way, this book is like Best Friends Fornever, Revenge of the Wannabes and Bratfest at Tiffany's all in one.
But honestly, I find this was great! Plus, you get a page of Hugs and Disses stickers! I'm wearing Hawt x10 on my forhead right now ;)


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