Sunday, February 22, 2009

I am on Cloud Nine...not litterally 'cause there's no clouds in the sky today!!!

Yah, I know, super long blog title.

But I AM on cloud nine...I think. I've never in my life dated someone who made me feel...I dunno, jittery, someone who made my knees go weak, someone who at the sight of makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. But with Matthew its like that. Think of how Bella felt (Back in the human days) when she neared Edward.

Last night I was bored out of my mind because there were no parties I wanted to go to when Matthew called. He asked if I wanted to go tobogganing, and I said sure. Did I mention that I've been tobogganing only three times that I can remember, and each time I've broken or sprained or cut something?

Anyway he came and picked me up, and we drove to this huge tobogganing hill. And I DIDN'T BREAK ANYTHING!! YAY! But after that I was so cold and I drank enough hot chocolate to make me puke, plus I ate a bunch of his grandma's chocolate chip cookies (Yummers!). And they were good :)

Except now its Sunday and I'm back to being lonely. I'm holed up in my room, pretending to do my math homework. You know what? I don't think I'm going to leave my room all day. My parents are down in Maine so I'd have no one to talk to except the staff anyway.

Anyway have a good sunday!!

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