Sunday, February 22, 2009

I am on Cloud Nine...not litterally 'cause there's no clouds in the sky today!!!

Yah, I know, super long blog title.

But I AM on cloud nine...I think. I've never in my life dated someone who made me feel...I dunno, jittery, someone who made my knees go weak, someone who at the sight of makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. But with Matthew its like that. Think of how Bella felt (Back in the human days) when she neared Edward.

Last night I was bored out of my mind because there were no parties I wanted to go to when Matthew called. He asked if I wanted to go tobogganing, and I said sure. Did I mention that I've been tobogganing only three times that I can remember, and each time I've broken or sprained or cut something?

Anyway he came and picked me up, and we drove to this huge tobogganing hill. And I DIDN'T BREAK ANYTHING!! YAY! But after that I was so cold and I drank enough hot chocolate to make me puke, plus I ate a bunch of his grandma's chocolate chip cookies (Yummers!). And they were good :)

Except now its Sunday and I'm back to being lonely. I'm holed up in my room, pretending to do my math homework. You know what? I don't think I'm going to leave my room all day. My parents are down in Maine so I'd have no one to talk to except the staff anyway.

Anyway have a good sunday!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

So I just got back from seeing Paul Blart: Mall Cop, and I must say, I don't usually watch these kind of movies, but I think I cried from laughing so hard.

Paul Blart (Kevin James) never made it into the police force, so instead of giving up, he became a mall cop. And he rides a scooter, one that I want really badly :)

I thought it was absolutley hilarious, and I was shaking with laughter throughout the whole movie! There was one part where I actually spit out Coke Zero on the seat in front of me. Oops...

The end was what made me happiest, because for the first time in a long time Paul Blart was truely happy, and he saved the mall. And in my opinion, the mall is just amazing.

When I was done the movie, I went to the local Burger King and played in the ball pit. Sure, my hair got staticky, sure my shoes were ruined (Though I might of spit pop on them by accident) and sure, Matthew and I were too big for the ball pit, but after seeing the enormous ball pit in the movie, I needed to play in one.

Over all, I'd give the movie 4 stars.


Life is too short

Life is too short to waste time being mad at friends who date your ex -especially when YOU broke up with them- even if you still love them.
That was the speech I gave to Erica this morning. I went almost a week without talking to her or Alana, and that was almost a week too long.

I've always been a spur of the moment type of girl because I think life is too short to be boring. Its also too short to not talk to people over stupid arguments, to waste time with people you don't care about or to be a bitch. And yes, that's coming from a major bitch ;)

So today, after Erica, Gabby, Alana and I made up, we decided to go to the movies with Dylan -sigh-, Jeremy, Aaron and Matthew. We went to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop, so expect a review from that to come. And even though I was hanging out with Dylan, I felt fine...but I may have discovered that I really like Matthew...even though he just broke up with someone.

Oh well, you know what they say -life's too short to waste time with ones you don't love.

Hey, notice that smiley face :):):)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gives You Hell

This blog is written by a very angry, very sad, very suicidal Maggie.
Ok, maybe not suicidal. But then it was written by a very angry, very sad, very depressed Maggie :(:(:(

Life has turned the cards on me. Just Saturday, I was back from vacation, room full of crap from people who love and/or adore me. Today however, life has given me hell (Hence the title).

I used to date this eleventh grade hottie named Dylan. I was in love with him. But then I broke up with him...just because we were too different. And that's the problem with me- I need everything to be perfect, and he just...wasn't. No that's not it. He was perfect! He's a football player, I'm a cheerleader; We both have blonde hair (But mine is platinum, his is caramely); we bot loved parties, we both loved buying each other presents! But for me it didn't work. So I broke up with him and even though it was my choice, I cried for like four days :'(

Anyway, my arch enemy Taylor -grade twelve, head cheerleader, also blonde, also really pretty) liked him too. So as soon I dumped him she was all over him like...flies to garbage. Soon they got together. I was like devestated, but soon remembered it was MY choice. Besides, it was Taylor, maybe she didn't even like him but was doing it to make me sad. Who knows?

But then last month Taylor realized it was her last year in high school and decided to be my BFF. Fat chance, sweetie. She still sucks up to me, but like so does everyone. So she dumped him. Chicks before dicks, sisters before misters, etc...

So today I tried calling one of my best friend's Erica all morning. She was supposed to meet me at Starbucks before school and didn't show up. She also wouldn't answer her phone. But my other two BFFs Gabby and Alana said they'd talked to her. So that left one thing: she was avoiding me.

Finally, right before lunch I found her and cornered her. Then who walks by? Dylan! And he gives her a kiss on the cheek and tells her to meet him for lunch in the caf. By this time I've figured out what happened. Erica went behind my back and started dating Dylan, although she still know how crazy I am about him.

Alana and Gabby saw me talking to her so they came over, I told them what happened and Gabby was extremely pissed. I mean, hello? You're NOT supposed to date you best friend's ex, especially if she stilled loved him. Alana told her she was being a hypocrite, since when Alana dumped her long-time BF Jeremy, he and Gabby got together. So Alana took Erica's side and Gabby took mine. And just like that, our friendship was ruined.

And I know people are like 'So? Make new friends!' But the four of us have been best friends since grade one, when I lost the gold locket my mom had given me in the school playground. So after school the four of us went out and searched for four hours. We've been best friends ever since. You can imagine us like the Pretty Committee. Before Claire was accepted. Kristen, Massie, Dylan and Alicie were tight ... But then in P.S. I Loathe You Dylan steals Massie's ex, and there's no more PC!

So I've just written you all a novel! But I am in a really sad state right now. Everything was perfect Saturday, the four of us skiing/snowboarding and now...its different. :(

Anyway thanks for letting me rant. My mom said something about looking on the brightside, but right now, there isn't one. But...I do have over 50 reviews on Knowing Me, Knowing You. So thanks!

When you see my face hope it gives you hell hope it gives you hell. When you walk my way hope it gives you hell hope it gives you hell!

Oh trust me, its given me hell.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

P.S. I Loathe You

Well I have to say that this Clique book was my absolute favourite out of the series. My favourite Dylan couple was the main one, Alicia once again branched off, but not with a new clique, Kristen found a new crush, and Claire is happy. Not once do you hear that Claire sniffled, cried, moped, bit her fingers or tore her cuticals. Clam was back and better than ever!
The book was in Massie, Dylan and Kristen's point of views. I adored that! Claire was barely in it, which I loved too, but was mentioned.
The end was what shocked me the most. WARNING: There may be spoilers in what I'm about to say!
Massie actually seemed like a normal person! She cried, she was nice and she...just made me love the Clique series again. I was getting pretty annoyed with it because it was just getting really fantasy-ish. I mean, who can turn trailers into diamond cases? But the end just made the book my favourite out of the whole series.
In a way, this book is like Best Friends Fornever, Revenge of the Wannabes and Bratfest at Tiffany's all in one.
But honestly, I find this was great! Plus, you get a page of Hugs and Disses stickers! I'm wearing Hawt x10 on my forhead right now ;)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I'm back in Vancouver, and boy am I happy :)
Even though the snowboarding was awesome, I missed my city.

Anyway, its that time again. Its Valentines Day!! Yay, whoo, yippee! I LOVE V-day, even though most people think its just a 'greeting card holiday' I LOVE IT! I got home last night, to find my bedroom full of chocolates, flowers, teddy bears, balloons, and a bunch of other crap that I didn't even look at! I'll probably donate most of the teddy bears to a homeless shelter for kids and stuff. But jeez, I could barely open my door!

This year I'm single, and I don't like it as much as I thought I would. But whatevs, right? I hope you guys all are having a great Valentines day!!!

Oh and I will review P.S. I Loathe You tomorrow!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

P.S. I Loathe You

Ok, my ski buddy Erica was reading my blog last night and saw that I didn't include a picture. Oops, sorry guys. Here it is.

So P.S. I loathe You came out today. Since there's no bookstore here, I can't read it :(

And I hate to say this but I was actually looking forward to reading it. So I'm getting back on Friday, I'll pick it up on the way home, read it and give it a review by Friday night. Alright?

Anyway I should get back to snowboarding.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Top 5 reasons why Whistler rocks

In case you didn't realize from the title, I'm in Whistler. I arrived last night, snowboarded till about three A.M. and then was in the outdoor hot tub for another two hours. So yeah, I never went to bed till close to 5:30. I got up maybe three hours ago. Then I boarded, and after about two hours I remembered to blog and check my e-mail.

Anyway, here's my top 5 reasons why Whistler rocks my warm fuzzy socks.

1. That picture above, yeah I boarded down that. I didn't go to the full top of that pointy thing, but the helicopter dropped me a few feet down from it.
2. Bikini boarding. Not only am I snowboarding in a hot pink bikini most of the time, but there are tons a hot, muscular guy in only shorts. I've already gotten 5 phone numbers.
3. The heliskiing. Well, boarding. It is so awesome! You go up in this helicopter and they lower you down to the mountain, and then bam, you're on this frickin HUGE cliff!
4. Olympic trainers. Already, there are a bunch of them, and its really intense to watch.
5. I am having the most fun I've had in a long, long time!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah. I wont blog that much this week, since I'm up here on vacation, but I will a few times :)

BTW, PS I loathe You comes out this Tuesday. And the Clique Prequel is called Charmed and Dangerous: The Rise of the Pretty Committee.
I have to give Lisi credit, I mean how can she come up with such awesome names?


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mamma Mia movie review

Alrighty, I watched Mamma Mia in the summer before I started a blog, so I never blogged about it. But it became one of my favourite movies ever.

Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) wants her father to walk her down the aisle for her wedding to Sky (Dominic Cooper). Only problem is that she doesn't know who her father is. After reading her mom Donna's (Meryl Streep) diary from the time she was expecting Sophie, she finds out she has three possible fathers. Sam (Pierce Brosnan), Bill (Stellan Skarsgard) or Harry (Collin Firth).

I love the music, I am a huge fan of ABBA. I love the dancing, I love the acting, I love the over all happy ending chickflick-ness to it. In the end, Sophie is happy, Donna is happy, and I was happy. Plus, Sky was pretty cute.

Dancing Queen was my favourite part. After Donna and her two best friends Tanya (Christine Baranski) and Rosie (Julie Waters) discover the three ex-es of Donna's past, Tanya and Rosie try to cheer her up with song and dance from the Dynamoes days. Donna cheers up and gets almost all of the women in their Greek village join in the song and it just looks great.

I thoght it was awesome. I saw the stage version on Broadway, and I found it didn't have that sparkle that the movie had. I was really impressed with Meryl Streep's singing and dancing. All the movie's I've seen with her in it are so serious.

Well, I really recommend you seeing it :)


Monday, February 2, 2009

Happiness make the world go round

Well, even though today is Monday and its an unspoken rule that I'm not happy on Mondays...I am.

There are several reasons as to why I'm joyful!
  • This really hot new guy, Tyler, just transfered to my school. He will ask me out by Wednesday, after meeting me and seeing how cute and adorable I am! *Bats eyelashes.*
  • Its almost Valentines day, and even though I'm single this year, I'm excited for it.
  • I bought new Christian Louboutin black leather pumps.
  • I'm writing a new Fanfiction story. Its very much like Maddie's Everything's Magic. Except my experience through ninth grade, aka Hell. Review it loves!
  • I'm going back to Kamloops on Saturday with some friends. As much as I hate Kamloops, I love it too, because its like part of my life.
  • Mid Winter break is next week! I was going to go to Big White Ski Hill in Kelowna with some friends, or Sun Peaks in Kamloops. But I decided they were lame so I'm heading out to Whistler. Home of the 2010 Olympics! I love snowboarding there!
  • I bought a new iPod nano, the new one, in green!

Yeah, those things make one perky. Well, that and lots of Starbucks!

Anyway, I should get started on my homework.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why I hate cup cakes

Who hates cupcakes? I hate cupcakes!

Now, the reason I hate cupcakes is because of my stupid cupcake experience this morning.
Keep in mind that I am a very stubborn person. I will argue with you until you say I'm right, even if I'm wrong. And I like to do everything by myself with no help. So I cannot cook. At all. Neither can my mom, which is why we have chefs.
Anyway I had this craving for cupcakes this morning so I decided to bake some. I don't know why I didn't just go to the Little CupCake Company a few blocks away. My mom insisted I get Andrew -one of the little French gay chefs- to help me. But I'm stubborn. So after shooing everyone out of the kitchen I made cupcake batter with the help of Betty Crocker Rainbow Sprinkle mix.
I guess I might have filled the pans up with to much batter because when I checked on them they were like exploding over the sides! They were dripping onto the bottom of the oven and burning. Yummy.
So after finding Frieda and begging her to clean it and not tell my mom, I got Andrew to bake me some cupcakes.

I guess I don't really hate them, I was just mad that my cupcake experience didn't work. :( But now I'm eating a purple cupcake and watching Mamma Mia and singing Dancing Queen.

Well I am currently working on Knowing Me, Knowing You. I don't know if I want to make it a Massington. I don't know...they used to be my favourite but now...they're just so overplayed together. Maybe a Cassie?
I also have to get my lazy ass up to work on Apple-C with Jessica, When the Night Calls You and Perfect. Gah. I am the world's biggest procrastinator.

Happy February BTW.