Thursday, March 26, 2009


I couldn't find a picture for Knowing, sorry guys :(

A teacher opens a time capsule that has been dug up at his son's elementary school; in it are some chilling predictions -- some that have already occurred and others that are about to -- that lead him to believe his family plays a role in the events that are about to unfold. (Plot taken from magazine)

This movie is my favourite. Now and forever. I cried a lot during the movie. For most of it I had tears rolling down my face.

John (Nicolas Cage) figures out that the numbers on a letter from the 50's mean the date, the lattitude and longitude and how many people will die. Stopping these events from happeneing becomes his life.

The end is what hit me the most. I was sobbing by the time I got out of the theatre. I can't really explain it, it was just...Well you have to see it to know what I mean.

It was totally a ten out of ten, a five star movie.


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