Monday, March 16, 2009

Back in Vancouver

Hey guys I'm back in Vancouver. As much as I loved the constant sun of LA, rainy Vancouver is much better!

Speaking of 'Rainy Vancouver' I guess Chris Weitz decided that Vancouver was the perfect setting for New Moon. I'm really excited to have them shooting it here because I'm a Vancouver native.

And so I got into Vancouver around 6 this morning so on my way home I decided to stop at Starbucks. When I walked in, there's Taylor Lautner. Honestly, it took all of my willpower not to scream and attack him. But I did get an autograph and hug :)

Hey, is it just me or is Fanfiction boring lately? No offence to the people who have stories out right now, but I'm just bored of them. Even my stories I'm losing interest in. I've been reading and reviewing in other stories, but Clique has lost all of my interest.


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