Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blog is too random to have an official title!!

This blog is going to be very random, very odd and very rambly ;)

First thing I want to talk about: How many Maggies are in this world??? I mean seriously, can't I be the only one? How many people named...Poe do you know? Hahaha that rhymed. Ok but to be honest not a lot of people are named Poe...
Anyway, today I'm shopping and the perfume lady's name tag says Maggie M. Then in the same store, the lady who helps with jewellery's name is Maggie R. Grr. Then I stopped at Starbucks on my way home and the barista's name was Maggie as well! And my neighbour got these exchange students from Paris in and they're staying at his house, and one's name is Maggie. MAGGIE ISN'T A FRENCH NAME! Is it? I kind of suck at French.

Alright. Now that I've gotten my Maggie Anger out I'll talk about the next thing: Did you realize if you switch the 'G's in my name with an S it spells Massie? I just found that out when mistyping my name just now. Hey if you switched them with D's it'd be Maddie...and with N's it'd be Mannie! Ok I think you spell Mannie with a Y instead of IE. Whatever.

Third thing: I'm starting yet another new story on FF...and it's one of those overly cliched stories. Speaking of stories, Apple-C the best collab ever is coming to an end. I'm actually pretty sad because I found that it was amazing. And yes that is concieted. So I'm now up for collabs if anyone wants my awful writing in a story!

Well yeah that's basically all I had to blog about!

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