Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I was looking through old folders and documents and crap when I stumbled across a story I was going to post, but then never did. It has some pretty good potential.

But it's a Massington. See, when I first started reading the Clique, I was one of those 'OMG MASSINGTON!!!!!' fangirls. Then, when I joined FF, I saw how many fangirls they had. And yet my love for them grew.

But sometime last year, I saw something called Tassie. OOO, the magical crackiness of MassiexTodd!!! Instantly, I was sucked in. I read everything about Tassie, and even started to write one (But I never finished it!).

Then during the summer, I came across MassiexDanny.

Now THAT is what I'm talking about!!! I mean, yeah all of those other Massiexsomeone couples are cool I guess. But Danny disappeared! He's all gone and stuff, and then the lovely writers of FF decided to bring him back!!!

So I guess my favourite couples would be:

Massie and Danny
Dylan and Derrick (!!! THIS IS THE BEST!!!!)
Claire and Josh
Kristen and Cam
Alicia and Chris Plovert

I have other favourites, but these are my main ones.

BTW, lovelies, I'll be gone for about four days because I have to go to Victoria!!!

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