Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good Bye May!

Well I know I'm a little early for a So Long May tribute, but I'll be gone to New York until June 5th for band. So I have to do it now.

In May I:

-Met a guy

-Went to a dance with that guy

-Kissed that guy in the middle of a thunderstorm (It was romantic :)

-Lost a best friend

-Spilled a secret that wasn't mine to spill

-Failed a math test

-Gained a new friend

-Went to war with ex friend

-Bought a dress for prom

-Went to Victoria

-Came in first in a huge tennis match

-Discovered I could sing

I actually enjoyed this month, except for the falling out with a friend. But hey, that's life, right?

By the way, I somehow ended up signing up to sing 'No More' by Heidi Montag for my school Sing-a-palooza. Yeah, we actually have a Sing-a-palooza *hangs head in shame and embarrassment* But it's pretty fun sometimes.

And I'm a huge Heidi fan and the song is one of my favourites so I should do good!


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