Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'd have to say I'm the most determined person I know.

I hate giving up. Like today in cooking, my cookies tasted like sawdust, but now that I'm home (On Wednesday's I get a half-day), I'm trying to make them again. If they fail, I'll end up making them again.

That's probably a flaw of mine. I guess I have to much pride, and I'm determined that I can do everything.

Right now, I'm determined to improve my writing skills. My dream is to have a book on the Best Seller's list. I've wanted to be an author since before I can remember, and I've never let my writing go unnoticed.

Before I discovered Fanfiction, I would send my stories out to my family, and get their feedback on it. On short stories for Creative Writing, my short stories would end up being 54 pages long.


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