Monday, May 18, 2009


Ok, you know when you start something, and its kind of like 'I don't want to do this!', and then once its over, you're all sad?

Well that's like me and my friend Jessica (Girly.X.Girl from FF) about our collab, Apple-C.

When we first started, I didn't really want to do it. But today me and Jess were talking on MSN and we realized we're almost done the story.

Jessica: can you believe apple-c is almost done?
me: what?!? it is?!?! since when?!?!
Jessica: *shakes head* maggers, we only have like 6 more chapters...
me: NOOOO! dude ur joking, right?
Jessica: nope
me: rawr
Jessica: maggie im leaving you so you can have a panic attack
me: O___o

So, it kind of ended weird...but, seriously, when it ends I will be sad!

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