Wednesday, April 1, 2009


As April began I realized how much more complicated my life was becoming withing the last three months of school.

Today was hell. Not hell as in ninth grade, but hell as in complicated. Complications in sequence:

1. A boy who I always thought didn't know me admitted he liked me more than friends. Since when were we 'friends'?

2. I don't like this boy (See above). I like someone who used to like me but now I'm not sure.

3. My best friend just got in a huge and horrible fight with our enemy. Can anyone say WWIII?

4. I'm pretty sure I failed a math test that counts for forty percent of my grade.

5. The boy who admitted to liking me has now began stalking me.

6. April Fool's Day began with an all out prank war in which I lost my favourite pair of sunglasses.

7. It began to snow today. Why does it snow in APRIL?

8. After seeing Knowing, I'm afraid that the world will end (It was in the bible too!).

9. Next year is eleventh grade.

10. I honestly don't think I can handle any of the about without alot of coffee.

But when the world tosses you some sour lemons, you just gotta hang on.
So bring it.


1 comment:

  1. Didn't you just hate that snow on April Fools Day? Gah.
