Thursday, April 16, 2009

'Because you live and breathe, because you make me believe in myself'

This morning I was cleaning out my closet, looking for old purses and crap to donate to this charity thingy. I found my favourite purse from when I was 12 and 13 and 14. I loved it. It was baby blue with had Tinkerbell on it with the quote 'All you need is Magic'.

It was heavier than it should've been, so I looked in it. I found 25 bucks, an old wallet, pictures from the mall (You know those ones from a photobooth), and my old purple iPod.

When I was doing homework, I decided to try the old iPod, and it was still charged! Oh my god, the songs were so old and pre teen-ish. There was Jesse McCartney, Ashely Tisdale, High School Musical, Hannah Montanna. Wow, I had really bad tasted in music ;)

But the Jesse music was really good. So I went on iTunes, bought all the JMac songs I could, and became re-obsessed. Nice, huh?

Well, gotta go listen to my iPod now that it's all Jesse-fied.

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