Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm Baaaack!

Hey all!

I'm back from NY. And I have two suitcases full of stuff to prove it. It's not really souvenirs, more like just really awesome things.

That's all I wanted to say. I should go, my cook just made some yummy ribs!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

In the city that never sleeps!

Greetings from New York, loves!!

I've been crazy busy with band, but I had to bring my laptop for homework and decided to be nice and blog.

Sorry that's pretty much it!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good Bye May!

Well I know I'm a little early for a So Long May tribute, but I'll be gone to New York until June 5th for band. So I have to do it now.

In May I:

-Met a guy

-Went to a dance with that guy

-Kissed that guy in the middle of a thunderstorm (It was romantic :)

-Lost a best friend

-Spilled a secret that wasn't mine to spill

-Failed a math test

-Gained a new friend

-Went to war with ex friend

-Bought a dress for prom

-Went to Victoria

-Came in first in a huge tennis match

-Discovered I could sing

I actually enjoyed this month, except for the falling out with a friend. But hey, that's life, right?

By the way, I somehow ended up signing up to sing 'No More' by Heidi Montag for my school Sing-a-palooza. Yeah, we actually have a Sing-a-palooza *hangs head in shame and embarrassment* But it's pretty fun sometimes.

And I'm a huge Heidi fan and the song is one of my favourites so I should do good!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I was looking through old folders and documents and crap when I stumbled across a story I was going to post, but then never did. It has some pretty good potential.

But it's a Massington. See, when I first started reading the Clique, I was one of those 'OMG MASSINGTON!!!!!' fangirls. Then, when I joined FF, I saw how many fangirls they had. And yet my love for them grew.

But sometime last year, I saw something called Tassie. OOO, the magical crackiness of MassiexTodd!!! Instantly, I was sucked in. I read everything about Tassie, and even started to write one (But I never finished it!).

Then during the summer, I came across MassiexDanny.

Now THAT is what I'm talking about!!! I mean, yeah all of those other Massiexsomeone couples are cool I guess. But Danny disappeared! He's all gone and stuff, and then the lovely writers of FF decided to bring him back!!!

So I guess my favourite couples would be:

Massie and Danny
Dylan and Derrick (!!! THIS IS THE BEST!!!!)
Claire and Josh
Kristen and Cam
Alicia and Chris Plovert

I have other favourites, but these are my main ones.

BTW, lovelies, I'll be gone for about four days because I have to go to Victoria!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Ok, you know when you start something, and its kind of like 'I don't want to do this!', and then once its over, you're all sad?

Well that's like me and my friend Jessica (Girly.X.Girl from FF) about our collab, Apple-C.

When we first started, I didn't really want to do it. But today me and Jess were talking on MSN and we realized we're almost done the story.

Jessica: can you believe apple-c is almost done?
me: what?!? it is?!?! since when?!?!
Jessica: *shakes head* maggers, we only have like 6 more chapters...
me: NOOOO! dude ur joking, right?
Jessica: nope
me: rawr
Jessica: maggie im leaving you so you can have a panic attack
me: O___o

So, it kind of ended weird...but, seriously, when it ends I will be sad!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Well I haven't done anything useful lately...It makes me feel kind of bad. Like, I haven't responded to any e-mails, I haven't updated or even worked on my stories, I haven't been practicing flute or piano, and I haven't gotten a manicure!

Honestly, all I've been doing is Facebooking, studying for finals, talking on Gmail and texting people like crazy!

I haven't even fed my dog! She's one of those mini eskimo puppies. She's white, weighs a kilo and is named Daisy :)

But I've had to get someone to feed her because I keep forgetting. I know, worst dog owner ever!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'd have to say I'm the most determined person I know.

I hate giving up. Like today in cooking, my cookies tasted like sawdust, but now that I'm home (On Wednesday's I get a half-day), I'm trying to make them again. If they fail, I'll end up making them again.

That's probably a flaw of mine. I guess I have to much pride, and I'm determined that I can do everything.

Right now, I'm determined to improve my writing skills. My dream is to have a book on the Best Seller's list. I've wanted to be an author since before I can remember, and I've never let my writing go unnoticed.

Before I discovered Fanfiction, I would send my stories out to my family, and get their feedback on it. On short stories for Creative Writing, my short stories would end up being 54 pages long.
