Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy late New Year

Hey y'all!

Ok, so techincally I'm late on the whole Happy New Year thingy, but whatevs. So happy OhNine!!!!! I WAS going to post yesterday, don't get me wrong, but parties were calling my name. Sadly, I spent almost all day at a bread and wine party with tons of my parents' high society friends. Joy.

And I kind of missed a Christmas blog...I'm not that good at this, ok? So, merry Christmas! I got like $400 to Chapters (it's a book store in Canada, kind of like Borders or Barnes and Nobles, except smaller) so I'll be reading until I'm eighty. My parents want me to be smarter, I assume.

My best friend, Jessica, is in England with her badass boyfriend, leaving me lonely in my time of need. Why is it my time of need, you ask? Because, my creepy cousin and family are staying in my guesthouse until their house renovations are done. Yes, and my cousin Veronica has a cat. A cat that is the size of a horse. A cat that just ate my new Kate Spade tote. I REALLY liked that purse. So I have no one to b!tch to, so it's my time of need.

Anyway. Hope you all had a great holiday season. School starts for me on Monday :(


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