Friday, December 19, 2008

Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports

Ok, so I just finished reading the third book in the Maximum Ride series. Have to say, I was disapointed. There I was, expecting an action packed book and was sad when I found out it wasn't as action packed as the others. I'm telling the ending so dont read this if you haven't read it before.

The flock splits up because Max saves Ari and tells him to come with them. Angel, Nudge, Total, Ari=Team Max. Gasman, Iggy=Team Fang. This b!tch who is actually the Director of Itex claims to be Max's mom and she puts Max, Ari, Angel, Nudge and Total in a dungeon. Then they escape and have to be tested. In the mean time, Fang is telling like the whole world that Itex is killing half of the world. Yes, there will only be like 3 billion people instead of 6 billion. Jeb tells Max that B!tch isnt her mom. Dr. Martinez is (Remember her? Ella's mom. The closest thing Max had ever had to a mom). And Jeb is her father. And he's also the Voice.

Creepy, huh?

Anyway B!tch makes an indestructible human and makes Max fight him to the death. Max wins, but she doesnt kill him. She's not that kind of person. Ari 'expires' meaning he died. So sad. Then all the kids in Germany come like running through the wall and killing everyone who worked for Itex. They did it because of Fang's blog. Then Max and her flock -minus Ari- fly back to the States and become one whole flock again. And everything is beautiful yada yada yada. They connect with Dr. Martinez and there's this big crying fest. And they live happily ever after. Until Max has to save the world again. But that happens in number 4, I forget what it's called.

So yeah, that's not even the ending. I was to lazy to write the whole thing out.

I've recently Favourited some FF stories. Here is the list:

  • Let the Flames Begin- Wingzz
  • Fickle- Dernier Cri
  • Peterpan- Dernier Cri (Kinda slight small Tassie, still super cute)
  • Pretty Little Liars A Rewrite- Coco-Chanel333

I'll let you know about any other ones I favourite.

Oh BTW, check out Apple-C by the fantabumazing Jessica and ME!!! Its sweetalicious so review.


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