Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My First Blog!

Well, I finally did it. I started my own blog.

You can expect anything from my blogs. Book reviews...good Fanfictions...anything. I am probably one of the randomest people you'll ever meet, so this will probably be the randomest blog you will ever read.

Now, since this was a spur of the moment thing, I have nothing to talk about. Next time I'll plan ahead.
Ok well Kristen -one of my best friends- fell out of a window out of a five story building. Ouch. She broke her neck and her arm. She was damn lucky she didnt DIE! Or she could've been paralyzed. And I thought I was clumsy. So she's better now, thank God. She thinks the accident made her prettier and I agree. Oh, this could be bad friend-worthy since I'm telling you her story. Sorry Kris.

Well, yeah. That is it. I'm currently reading Maximum Ride: Saving the World and other extreme sports by James Patterson. So expect a review by Saturday. I have like no specific day for blogging, I'm just going to do it whenever I feel like it.

So ciao bellas.

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